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美国十次了 《沙丘》的BDO好意思学:让东说念主陶醉又战栗的浩大千里默物|寰宇|fear|silent|fiction - 好看的欧美情色电影


美国十次了 《沙丘》的BDO好意思学:让东说念主陶醉又战栗的浩大千里默物|寰宇|fear|silent|fiction

发布日期:2024-09-28 06:32    点击次数:186

"Every time mankind comes to grips with its insignificance美国十次了, it is a great advance in itself."




The film Dune created a sci-fi frenzy when it premiered three years ago, and the recent release of the second film has sparked renewed debate on the internet about the plot and aesthetics of the film.


As a sci-fi film that is almost universally recognized as being extremely difficult to adapt, Dune uses extreme aesthetics and music to present the contrast between the huge and the small: the near-god-like "sandworms", the vast and sprawling desert environment, the gigantic buildings, the giant aircraft, the huge geometric lines, all of which highlight the insignificance of mankind and the infinity of the universe.



BDO(Big Dumb Object)指“浩大千里默物体”,即浩大的,领有机要力量的物体。

它最早是澳大利亚学者Peter Nicholls在《科幻演义百科全书》(The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction)中杜撰的一个虚构观点,自后在亚文化圈里流传开来。


BDO (Big Dumb Object) stands for "Big Silent Object", i.e. a huge object with mysterious powers.

It is a fictional concept first invented by Australian scholar Peter Nicholls in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, and later spread in subcultural circles.

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction is a compendium of terms used in science fiction, published in 1979, and winner of the Hugo Award and the Track Award.


BDO is a common theme in science fiction and film. BDO has been featured in many classic science fiction films.


◆ 2001天际漫游 / 2001: A Space Odyssey




The Black Stone in the film, a tool created by advanced civilizations in the universe to guide lower intelligent life, is mysterious and incomprehensible, the ultimate presentation of human technology beyond the reach of mankind.

◆ 驾临 / Arrival



The film is also Villeneuve's directorial effort. The film portrays BDO as 12 giant alien spaceships that appear out of thin air like black pawns of God.

◆ 溺死的巨东说念主 / The Drowned Giant



A short film from the second season of Love, Death and Robots shows the remains of a giant of unknown origin washing up on a beach.



The fact that BDO is so fascinating is perhaps rooted in the fear and awe of the unknown within mankind.


The enormity of BDO breaks down the standards and scales by which mankind understands the objectivity of the world in which it lives, and essentially serves to evoke reflection on itself. It represents the product of something that is far beyond the technology available to mankind, or is in a dimension that mankind cannot comprehend. Silence is only because we can't hear.


The "BDOER Giant Silent Object Fans" group on Douban has 120,000+ members, with people posting every day describing the pleasure and trembling that giant silent objects bring.



I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve.

But a reality to experience.

A process that cannot be understood by stopping it.

We must move with the flow of the process.

We must join it.

We must float with it.







Dreams are messages from the deep. Dreams make good stories, but everything important happens when we're awake, because that's where we make things happen.


A great man doesn't seek to lead. He's called to it, and he answers.




剪辑:商桢 实习生:孙笑然 着手:外研社美国十次了

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